Training Program for PEng(UK)
The Society of Professional Engineers was founded on the 27 October 1969 by a number of Corporate Members of the Society of Engineers which is the third oldest Engineering Body in the United Kingdom being established in 1854.
The Society of Professional Engineers maintains a register of Engineers who have proved their competence and can be accurately described as Professional Engineers and who on Registration can use the designation "P.Eng."
There are Reciprocal Membership Arrangements between the Society of Professional Engineers (UK) and other professional bodies in the world such as:
1. National Society of Professional Engineers (U.S.A);
2. Societe Nationale des Ingenieurs Professionnels de France (IPF) (France);
3. Bundersverband der Berufsingenieure Deutschland’s (BDI) (Germany);
4. The Association of Building Engineers (UK);
5. The Institution of Diagnostic Engineers (UK); and
6. International Union of Professional Engineers (Ing.P.Eur)
2. Societe Nationale des Ingenieurs Professionnels de France (IPF) (France);
3. Bundersverband der Berufsingenieure Deutschland’s (BDI) (Germany);
4. The Association of Building Engineers (UK);
5. The Institution of Diagnostic Engineers (UK); and
6. International Union of Professional Engineers (Ing.P.Eur)

Mr Sim
沈老师(Mr Sim)是新加坡华人,新加坡政府学校退休老师。教学经验丰富,曾经在中国大学任教5年,所以他可以讲流利的华语,也更了解华人学习英语的难处。他喜欢从提问开始(W/H QUESTIONS),让学生从身边的问题开始学习。渐渐的,大家发现:其实英语并不难!我可以用英语沟通、解决问题了!
Mr Jerson
Mr Jerson 是个充满热情、乐于鼓励学生又有耐心的老师。他拥有英语教育的硕士文凭和教育管理学士文凭,是个非常有经验的好老师。在他的课堂上,营造热烈的学习氛围,笑声不绝于耳。他根据学生的性格、英语程度进行分组,针对不同的小组提出相应的问题,让学生开口讲出来。很快,学生们觉得不害怕英语了,甚至变得喜欢了。
Mr Jerson is a enthusiastic and patient teacher.He is a Master Degree of English Education holder. Mr Jerson is a experienced teacher. He is dedicated to an dynamic teaching method as a means of creating and nurturing understanding and the use of the english language through th influence of western culture and history. After his class, students are full of confidence and can speak english.
Mr Jerson is a enthusiastic and patient teacher.He is a Master Degree of English Education holder. Mr Jerson is a experienced teacher. He is dedicated to an dynamic teaching method as a means of creating and nurturing understanding and the use of the english language through th influence of western culture and history. After his class, students are full of confidence and can speak english.
ZARINA 老师是新加坡人,她努力、上进,拥有专门教授外国人英语的TESOL文凭。她上课风趣、善于扩展,把枯燥的语法讲得简单易懂,深受大家的爱戴。会话课程更是笑声不断,她利用课余时间代学生们到室外走走,将课本和新加坡的实际相结合,让大家在轻松愉快的气氛中学会最实用的英语!(ZARINA和部分同学在小印度)
Kevin Hancey
Kevin Hancey, a native of Toronto, Ontario Canada, brings with him not only teaching experience and certification in TESL but a wide range of knowledge that includes business, the arts, photography and creative writing. He is eager to bring language students into the twenty-first century using a unique combination of education and business experience coupled in customer relations and management.
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